Entry #17

It is fun an easier to learn things using music, for this reason I created a jingle that will help everyone remember de 7 HKBU graduate attributes.   HKBU graduate (Lyrics) I’m about to graduate As a responsible citizen I’ll share my knowledge Help the others   Doesn’t matter where I am I’ll be able …

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Entry #47

I have designed a series of 8 posters consisting one master poster and individual posters for each attributes. Seven icons are designed such that they can be used for future materials to visualize it more. I hope that people can use different body parts (eyes, ears, mouth, brain, heart, hand) to associate with the seven …


Entry #14

Checking the calendar is what we do everyday. Combining the 7 aspects of the whole person with the calendar can certainly make them easy to remember.


Entry #39

The idea in this proposal is to help students and staff at HKBU to easily remember the 7 Graduate Attributes. For the English version, we use CULTURE to represent the 7 GAs because it has long been a culture at HKBU to provide Whole Person Education which is now exemplified into 7 GAs. We want …


Entry #45

圖檔︰BU標誌是運用代表浸大畢業生的七個特質的英文詞彙所組成的,它們分別為 “Citizenship” 、“Communication” 、 “Learning” 、“Knowledge” 、“Skills”、“Critical Thinking”及“Teamwork”。把BU標誌擬人化,讓其戴著畢業帽,有浸大畢業生的意思。 PDF︰設計了一系列的文具,設計包含浸大畢業生的七個特質在其中。

Entry #42

My design approach is to integrate the seven attributes in a doggerel so that people can easily remember not just the attribute keywords but have a full context of how these seven attributes are interconnected with each others. Most importantly, our new vision on whole person education can be fully realized if students can put …


Entry #36

Responsible Citizens Articulate Communicators Independent Learners Noetic Practitioners Broad-skilled Persons Open-minded Thinkers Wholesome Team-players


Entry #35

My proposal is very simple and easy to remember. Using the given formula, WPE@HKBU=7GAs, I have mapped each of the 7 alphabets in “WPE@HKBU” to an attribute of a whole person at Hong Kong Baptist University. These mappings are unique, informative and easy to remember!


Entry #07

The seven characteristics are just like seven magic keys/tools. If student owns all of the magic tools, they can be the all-round graduates. The reason using magic tools as the theme of posters is because all of us watched doreamon before and the magic tools in doreamon are very interesting and attractive. Transforming those characteristics …


Entry #05

As what our university always promotes is the whole person education, I decided to present the 7 ideas in the image of different parts of human beings. By putting them together we can become an educated whole person graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University. Heart represents a responsible citizen; Mouth stands for the communication ability …


Entry #12

In order to let HKBU students remember the 7 GAs, I design a glass with the 7 HKBU GAs picture at the bottom of it. It is made of transparent plastic.   This product design can keep reminding HKBU students about the 7GAs effectively, since every time student drink water, they can read the 7 …


Entry #06

Circle is the best shape represents the meaning of complete, full, adaptability or perfection. On the poster, there are several circles have different but correlated meaning. Start from light of central circle (emblem of HKBU) dispersing into 7 Graduate Attributes on gray wheel and lastly integrate into another larger golden circle as a whole. More …


Entry #04

是次作品,我以秘方比喻浸大的全人教育。圖中的七色液體代表浸大全人教育秘方中的成份,而七色成份分別代表著浸大畢業生的七項特質。透過我對浸大全人教育有趣的詮釋,再把這些詮釋轉化為海報,希望可以使同學記著浸大畢業生的七項特質。   In this work, I use “Secret recipe”, as a metaphor, to resemble the Whole Person Education (WPE) of HKBU and use baking mold to represent HKBU’s graduates .   I interpret the “7 Graduate Attributes” (7 GAs) as the ingredients of HKBU’s secret recipe for education. With this secret recipe (7GAs), all graduates …

Entry #03

My idea is to use 7 posters to represent the 7 HKBU Graduate Attributes(GA). Each poster includes a quote and some description related to the GA which the poster represents.   Pros – Posters are easy to reproduce and distribute – Posters do not require a very large space – Posters can cover a lot …


Entry #02

I condense the seven Graduate Attributes into an adjective– “Tegiock” to portray an ideal graduate. And the classic blue color comes from HKBU logo.


Entry #01

從最上開始: 宏觀於地球起代表「成為具國際視野、品行高尚、有責任感的社會公民」,畢業生放眼世界,做好本份; 上而外狀展開思路、學以不會國家語言代表「精通兩文三語、能清晰表達有條理的想法」;   畢業象徵-四方帽及畢業證書代表「掌握對學術專業當前最新學問,並有深厚認識」,亦以鋼筆代表「亦有廣闊的文化知識和通識基礎」,喻畢業生運筆自如,對事事了然於胸,能寫出各樣的觀點;   手握掌頭、自信滿滿、有承擔代表「具備領導和服務團隊的精神」,後以紅白藍三色代表終點線,比喻「實踐健康生活模式」,畢業生除有目標、勇於往前之外,亦象徵他們有健康的生活模式,常常運動;   一腦一花代表「具備批判思考以及創意思維」,創意於腦中萌芽,發展可無窮無盡,如圖中同根的花兒都可以有三種截然不同的顏色,令人驚嘆之餘,亦使人驚喜無限;   問號、數字、光亮的燈泡代表「擁有資訊科技、數字處理和解難能力,在生活及工作上發揮所長」,數字是電腦的發展基礎,故資訊與數字不能截然分開。加上問號,即難題,光亮的燈泡,即想到解決方法,三者融合,以示畢業生能解決疑難,在有需要的地方發揮所長;   瞳孔置於書本上,代表「以開放接納、獨立探求知識的精神,貫徹終身學習」,眼睛為靈魂之窗,畢業生透過閱讀各方書籍,不偏不頗,獨立於有偏差之觀點,於書海中實踐終身學習。


Entry #11



Entry #10

這個設計的重點在於這個特別的手勢。 從不同角度看,會有不同意思。 1)向左邊轉一轉,它表達了數字「七」,代表七個畢業生特質; 2)向右邊轉一轉,它表達了中文字「人」,代表浸大全人教育; 3)最後,將它180度反轉,會變成了一個「剔」號。 希望日後每當看見這個手勢,就會想起這個設計,記起七個浸大畢業生特質和全人教育。

Entry #09

我地浸大畢業生, 兩文三語基礎深, 文化通識至上心, 批評思維夠創新, 理解能力為求真, 終身學習最認真, 公民責任伴終生, 服務社群更熱心。


Entry #43

The worksheet will be useful in two ways.  Firstly, first-year students can brainstorm potential challenges that they will encounter in the course of their academic and social experiences at Hong Kong Baptist University and then determine which graduate attributes can be applied to creating practical and reasonable solutions.  This activity, carried out in small or …

Entry #41

普通话顺口溜: 首先做责任公民 两文三语都能行 求知探索不间断 文化知识齐头进 生活工作两不误 思考创意我最灵 团队精神才能赢

Entry #40

視野廣闊人有品 精通三語用两文 貫徹終身求知識 學術專業不後人   科技解難能運算 思維嚴謹意念新 認識文化通通識 律己合群服務人


Entry #08

I suggest launching a ‘RAINBOW-Seven Campaign’ with the slogan called ‘RAINBOW Seven, GA Performance’. The objectives of this campaign are to:   1.extend the ‘GAs Tangram Message’ 2.cultivate a ‘GAs Culture’in BU 3.make the content of GAs be more easy-to-remember and impressive to BU people

Entry #34

浸大全人教育,畢業特質你要熟 一枝獨秀立社會,才德胸襟全融匯 兩文三語靈活用,條理表達永無窮 三思後行具批判,創意思維越時空 四通八達是資訊,數字解難非造夢 五花八門知識網,文化通識皆厚濃 六六無窮是知識,終身學習不休息 七竅玲瓏當領導,團結衆人齊邁步


Entry #44

建議書的主要概念是希望透過創造7隻吉祥物,從而把畢業生的特點更形象化地展現出來。 7隻吉祥物代表著香港浸會大學畢業生的七種特質,每隻吉祥物代表一種顏色,即形成彩虹的其中一種顏色。 透過香港浸會大學的教育,畢業生能從中獲得至少一種顏色 (特質或能力),最後,他們將會有一個如彩虹般美好的將來。 香港浸會大學看起來像天上的月亮,她是黑暗中的一盞明燈。一方面,她在黑暗中為人們指引方向,同時她亦照亮了星星。香港浸會大學(月亮)為畢業生(星星)提供養份(光),我希望表達中國 “7星伴月”(意指幸福)的傳統概念,藉此道出畢業生的大學生活是幸福美好的。


Entry #33

The idea of my design is from the tangram. Every patterns mean 7 ideas such as communication, learning, healthy lifestyle & teamwork, it skills, international outlook and knowledge. I used Illustration to express my ideas and also used caricature to make it more funny. Let people easy to understand and pay attention on it.


Entry #51

I made use of the tangram which consists of seven colours to represent the seven graduate attributes. I further made use of the pieces in the tangram to form different letters for the initials of each attribute. I have also designed the logo for the HKBU GAs so that it can be used for later …


Entry #29

In this picture, I connect the letter S in skill, t in thinking, u in communication, d in knowledge, e in learn, n in citizenship, t in teamwork. These letters composed the word “student”. HKBU likes an umbrella. She cherishes every student in HKBU and teaches them what is skill, thinking, communication, knowledge, learn, citizenship, …


Entry #31

With a logo that looks like “number 7″ and also with the graduation hat, this logo shows that “to be an educated HKBU graduate, you have to remember the seven attributes”. These seven graduate attributes are not just series of words and sentences, but it has precious meanings that will guide you to become HKBU …


Entry #30

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Cyqvn8b5EM   十年樹木,百年樹人。五十五年間,浸大培育出不少傑出的領袖,貢獻社會,全賴我們一直以來的堅持和信念,在蘊藏在同學身上的浸大全人的七項特質,包括知識、思維、學習、溝通、技巧、公民和團隊,透過教育、實踐、體驗,一一的培育出來。十年時間,才可以把一株小樹苗種植成大樹。培肓人材要的不單是時間,更是心血。   “魔豆”英文名叫Jack Bean,由童話故事《傑克與魔豆》而來。相傳:在這棵巨大的豆子中蘊涵著傳奇而神秘的靈性,當你輕輕喚醒它並成為它的主人時,它就會為你帶來祝福和幸運!在豆上面刻上字,種下土裡,長出來以後,它的葉子上可以出現一個或幾個字,也就是當初種下去時候刻的那些字。   這次推廣,我們以豆喻人,將魔豆刻上浸大全人的七個特質,發給學生,教職員,甚是香港市民,希望可以藉著栽種這七顆小豆,表達浸大肓材的心血和精神。

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Entry #27

Creativity is the most important. In order to highlight the HKBU’s 7 graduate attributes, I designed a poster and use the game “Find the Difference” to compare general person and whole person.


Entry #26


Entry #49

In addition to my submission on 30 September, 2011, I would like to submit another entry for the WPE @ HKBU Competition as follows   視野廣、品格高 語文精、條理清 樂開放、愛求知 學問深、文化通 I.T. 勁、解難醒 懂批判、富創意 領袖才、團隊魂 做個盡責好公民

Entry #48

I would like to submit the following 順口溜 for the WPE @ HKBU Competition   視野廣、品格高 語文精、條理清 願開放、愛求知 學問深、文化通 識科技、善解難 懂批判、富創意 領導能、團隊魂 做個盡責好公民


Entry #24



Entry #23

Proposal: To design a doubled-sided poster which students find interesting and relating, and; To illustrate all the 7 graduate attributes in the way easily understood and memorized by students.   Main idea of the poster: associating the 7 attributes with human’s 7 body parts. Background/Discoveries The 7 graduate attributes of BU students varies with each …

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Entry #21

I try to divide a handprint into seven parts representing HKBU’s 7 Graduate Attributes, namely Citizenship, Communication, Learning, Knowledge, Skills, Thinking and Teamwork. My implication is that everyone has two hands with unique handprints. Every HKBU graduate is special to the society. We should use our hand (the 7 attributes acquired in HKBU) to serve …


Entry #20



Entry #19

我以「浸大傳人」為主題,「浸大傳人」是比喻浸大將傳授七大特質予每一位學生,讓他們成為浸大的傳人,及代代相傳全人教育。 我圍繞以上主題設計了三款海報,每款海報的右下方皆有一「浸大傳人」標記(logo),這是以簡單的設計突顯出浸大全人教育的效果,圓形有圓滿,完整及全面的意思,「浸大傳人」四字突出於裡面的圓形,是指突破及完成了全人教育,往後仍會有更長遠及全面的發展,此為外圓的暗示,所以全人教育是浸大學生的一個重要的起步點,讓他們的將來更美好及豐盛。 第一款是「環環相扣篇」,指全人教育的各個項目是互相影響,它們每一項會提升學生的某方面的素質,同時亦會相輔相成,令學生得到全面發展。 第二款是「傳人篇」,這款設計具中國色彩,概念來自中國的武術,將浸大比喻為一門派,將全人武功傳授予門徒,七大特質便是其口訣。 第三款是「能量值篇」,指浸大學生畢業後,其素質將大大提升,獲得全面發展,運用分析特質的圖表,可見各方面的指數相當平均。


Entry #18



Entry #15



Entry #13

This poster is designed to promote the 7 GAs of HKBU. I used the English Word Searching Game as the main idea of the poster. The meaning of the poster is that HKBU students circle the 7GAs with red lines from the table of ‘HKBU7GAS’. It is simple, clear and also eye-catching.