Towards a Paradigm Shift to Assessment of the Learning Process and Application of Cross-disciplinary Knowledge


Using self-assessment and peer review in addition to feedback provided by teachers as a vehicle, we aim to work on the following in this project:

  1. examining the inter-relatedness of summative assessment and formative assessment, and impetus to emphasizing formative assessment in higher education;
  2. with digital technology support, developing rubrics that document and assess learning processes in complement to the achievement of learning outcomes;
  3. with digital technology support, examining how students make use of their on-going self-assessment and/or peer review to monitor their own learning, and the roles played by multiple modes of assessment feedback (including that of e-assessment feedback) in the enhancement of students’ constructivist and progressive learning;
  4. facilitating continuous assessment and enhancing the assessment literacy of the higher education community that are backed up by academic integrity; and
  5. examining the motivation required to make a transition from emphasizing summative assessment to emphasizing formative assessment.