Hong Kong Time (HKT): 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
United Kingdom Time (UKT): 1:00 a.m. – 7:30 a.m.
While the COVID-19 pandemic appears to have subsided, the innovation in assessment it catalyzed continues. The digital technologies introduced during the pandemic have empowered educators to explore a variety of assessment practices. Moreover, the recent advent of generative artificial intelligence (AI) is urging the education sector to experiment with more effective ways to prepare students for the future AI-infused workplace. How can modern educational technology be integrated into assessments in this digital age? How should we adapt our assessment methods to better equip our graduates for the realities of an AI-pervaded society? This one-day symposium aims at investigating these questions.
HK Time | Programme |
9:00 | Welcome & Greetings
Professor May May Hung CHENG Vice President (Academic); Chair Professor of Teacher Education, EdUHK Dr Albert Chau Vice-President (Teaching and Learning), Hong Kong Baptist University |
9:10 | Keynote I (from EdUHK)
![]() Full Professor, School of Computing and Information Systems Athabasca University, Canada In this talk I will present MEGA World, a platform that allows teachers to create their own virtual worlds for their course so their students can learn required knowledge and skills as well as be stealth assessed in a non-pressure environment. Students will walk through the learning and assessment activities by wondering and exploring the virtual world via interest driven. Various quest types will be introduced and their use cases will be explained with the content from four graduate level and undergraduate level courses in Athabasca University. At the end, users’ preliminary perceptions and recommendations toward the use of MEGA World will be summarized. |
9:40 | Q & A |
9:50 | Experience Sharing: Advancing Assessment Practices in the Digital Age
EdUHK Professor Ming Ming Chiu Chair Professor of Analytics and Diversity; Director, Analytics\Assessment Research Centre Authentic Assessment via Artificial Intelligence & Statistics: Stories, Discussions, & Activities Unlike simple numerical scoring of quizzes or tests, authentic assessments require ways to evaluate complex data such as stories/talks/presentations, discussions or activities. By combining artificial intelligence, statistics, and computational linguistics to analyze these complex data (analytics), we can better understand our students’ strengths and weaknesses to inform our teaching and their future learning. Illustrative cases include analytics of students’: (a) stories for content and creativity; (b) online discussions for unproductive sequences to alert teachers; and (c) classroom activities for attention and engagement. Dr Michael Chi Hin Leung Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural and Creative Arts Authentic Assessment in Contemporary Music Composition and STEAM HKBU ![]() Dr Glos Ho Director of Transdisciplinary Undergraduate Programmes and Principal Lecturer, HKBUIn 2022, 60 HKBU students took a practical approach to Brand Management, collaborating with Reckitt Hong Kong's Brand Managers. Despite pandemic challenges, the students conducted independent market research and brand audits, presenting their analyses and receiving feedback from industry professionals. This authentic assessment not only enhanced their understanding of enterprise operations and strategic cost considerations, but also fostered a heightened sense of responsibility and ownership in their learning journey. Such contextualized experiences are instrumental in bridging academic learning and real-world applications. ![]() Dr Chris Ping Yui Ku Lecturer, School of Chinese Medicine, HKBUTraditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) education has traditionally centered around teacher-led instruction, with an emphasis on lectures and exams. As TCM theory often involves philosophical concepts and requires extensive memorization, students may struggle to grasp the fundamental principles of TCM and develop clinical thinking skills. This lack of motivation and interest hinders effective learning. To address these challenges and enhance students' interest and clinical thinking in TCM, the School of Chinese Medicine at the Hong Kong Baptist University has integrated service learning into TCM education, allowing students to apply their classroom knowledge in practical settings while promoting TCM and health knowledge among the public. In addition, I have explored the integration of online platforms to enhance the stability and impact of service learning, ultimately improving learning outcomes. |
11:05 | Break |
11:15 | Round Table Discussion: Student Voice in Feedback
Dr Kohnke Lucas Academic Coordinator, Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology, EdUHK Dr King Chong Senior Teaching and Learning Officer, Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, HKBU Chloe An Ling Cheng student from EdUHK Naqvi Syed Salman Ali student from EdUHK Eric Chun Yan Chan student from HKBU Khun Myint Win student from HKBU Tsun Yin Chong student from HKBU |
12:05 | Lunch Break |
13:35 | Workshop (open to HKBU and EdUHK colleagues only):
![]() Dr Archimedes David Guerra Lecturer, Department of Accountancy, Economics, and FinanceAssociate Programme Director, MSc in Finance (FinTech and Financial Analytics), HKBU In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the value of authentic assessments in equipping students with the necessary skills to tackle real-world challenges and engage in socially transformative tasks. As educators, it is our responsibility to develop learning activities that embody the key elements of authentic assessments, including providing effective feedback, facilitating knowledge transfer, fostering collaboration, and stimulating intellectual growth in students, among others. Research indicates that assessments can greatly benefit from partnerships with communities and students. In this workshop, we will use the Partner Participation Matrix in exploring and designing assessment tasks that leverage community and student partnerships. By the end of the workshop, participants will understand the benefits of working with communities and students in assessments, and learn how to incorporate these partnerships into their own teaching. |
14:15 | Q & A |
14:35 | Keynote II (from HKBU)![]()
Independent Consultant in Learning, Teaching and Assessment and Emerita Professor at Leeds Beckett University
Independent consultant and Visiting Professor of Assessment for Learning at the University of Sunderland and the University of Cumbria
The time is ripe for assessment change. So much has been happening around assessment recently, including the impact of the pandemic on academic practices, the introduction of large language models like ChatGPT and the rapidly changing global environment. Many universities worldwide are already starting to significantly change the ways that we assess students, taking account of these factors. In this research-informed keynote by two recognized experts in the field, we will aim to prompt thinking about seven of the biggest current issues, and to explore how our actions in implementing assessment changes can enhance students' experiences of learning. |
15:05 | Q & A |
15:15 | Closing Dr Gary Cheng Executive Co-Director of the Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology, EdUHK Dr Theresa Kwong Director, Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, HKBU Housekeeping Announcement Housekeeping Announcement and Evaluation Survey |
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Professor Maiga Chang Dr. Maiga Chang is a Full Professor in the School of Computing and Information Systems at Athabasca University, Canada. He has recently received Distinguished Researcher Award from Asia Pacific Society on Computers in Education (APSCE) this year. Dr. Chang has given more than 135 talks and lectures in different events. He also has (co-)authored more than 240 book chapters, journal and international conference papers. He is an IEEE member since 1996. Dr. Chang is currently the chair of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Technical Community of Learning Technology (TCLT) as well as the editor-in-chief of Educational Technology and Society, which is indexed by Web of Science’s Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). In addition, He is also the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Distance Education Technologies (IJDET) and the Bulletin of Technical Committee on Learning Technology – both are open access publication indexed by Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). Dr. Chang is now Vice President (2022~) of International Association of Smart Learning Environments (IASLE); Executive Committee member of Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE, 2017~2024), IEEE Computer Society Technical & Conference Activities Board (2022), Global Chinese Society for Computing in Education (GCSCE, 2016~2025), IEEE Computer Society Special Technical Communities (2021~); and Chair (2021~) of Educational Activities Committee, IEEE Northern Canada Section. Dr. Chang is also a Steering Committee member (2020~) for International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). In the last two decades, Dr. Chang’s research directions are Data Analytics Service and Game-based Learning. His Data Analytics research focus on the design of algorithms and methodologies for item generation (for quizzes and exams), learning activity generation, behaviour pattern extraction from sequential data and preference prediction and recommendation service. The Personalized Study Guide is research aiming to enable an open-source learning management system (i.e., Moodle) to provide students with a personalized study guide for their online learning by via the use of graph structures to analyze the learning objects in an online course and compare the learning behaviours, strategies, and preferences of individual students studying online. Three open-source Moodle plugins have been developed, reviewed, approved, and included in Moodle plugins directory. On the Game-based Learning direction, his research continuously designs games for teaching, learning, rewards, and assessment. For instances, different games (including 3D, mobile and role-playing games) have been designed and developed to help students learning various topics, including botany, culture and history, finance, programming, management information systems, and meta-cognitive skills. His Trading Card Game (TCG) and the use of In-game Card as Educational Reward (ICER) research also inspired Trinity Primary School in the United Kingdom to develop “Character Clash!” to encourage children to read more. The Multiplayer Educational Game for All (MEGA World) is a web-based massively multiplayer educational game platform which supports any languages and is capable of access any existing external resources (e.g., multimedia, materials, online meetings, etc.). Teachers can create their virtual worlds as well as create learning and assessment activities (i.e., quests in the game) for students. Students can learn specific knowledge and reach the learning goal by taking and solving those quests while playing.
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Professor Sally Brown Professor Sally Brown is an Independent Consultant in Learning, Teaching and Assessment and Emerita Professor at Leeds Beckett University where she was, until 2010, Pro-Vice-Chancellor. She is also Visiting Professor at Edge Hill University and formerly at the Universities of Plymouth, Robert Gordon, South Wales and Liverpool John Moores and at Australian universities James Cook Central Queensland and the Sunshine Coast. She holds Honorary Doctorates from the universities of Plymouth, Kingston, Bournemouth, Edinburgh Napier and Lincoln. She is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) Senior Fellow and a National Teaching Fellow. She is widely published on learning, teaching and particularly assessment and enjoys working with institutions and teams on improving the student learning experience.
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Professor Kay Sambell Professor Kay Sambell is widely known internationally for her contributions to the Assessment for Learning (AfL) movement in Higher Education, which seeks to emphasize the ways in which assessment processes can be designed to support and developing students’ learning, as well as measure it. For over two decades she has spearheaded a range of pragmatic innovations, research projects and initiatives focused on improving university student learning via assessment. She co-led the pioneering Centre for Excellence in Assessment for Learning during her time at Northumbria University. She is a UK National Teaching Fellow (2002) and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She is currently an independent consultant and Visiting Professor of Assessment for Learning at the University of Sunderland and the University of Cumbria. Kay also helped to establish and support a series of international conferences aimed at rethinking assessment practice. She is currently President of the vibrant Assessment in Higher Education (AHE) conference series, (https://ahenetwork.org/) which leads the development of assessment for learning.