Towards a Paradigm Shift to Assessment of the Learning Process and Application of Cross-disciplinary Knowledge

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Advanced Study Institute (ASI) Online Symposium

Assessment and Feedback Design in Virtual Environments for Future-Ready Graduates

17 & 18 August 2022 | 2:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.(Hong Kong Time) | via Zoom

Abstract SDG Mapping Rundown Biography of Keynote Speakers


More than two years into the Covid-19 pandemic, there have been many significant changes in the higher education sector brought about by stop-start on-campus classes, as well as accelerated technological advancements. It has become obvious that we will move towards wider and more systematic adoption of virtual teaching and learning (VTL). As we embrace VTL, how assessment and feedback design should be modified for quality enhancement? What kind of assessment and feedback practices in virtual environments would get our students more future-ready? This two-day online symposium aims to explore these questions.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Mapping



17 August 2022 (Wednesday) - Day 1

HK Time Programme
14:30 Welcome & Greetings

Dr Albert CHAU
Vice-President (Teaching and Learning), Hong Kong Baptist University
14:35 Introduction

Professor John Chi-kin LEE
Vice President (Academic) and Provost, The Education University of Hong Kong
14:40 Keynote I: Designing Assessment and Feedback as Tools for Learning and Educational Quality Reform

BiographyEmeritus Professor Janice ORRELL
Flinders University, Australia

The question to be addressed in this presentation is:

How can assessment and feedback design enhance student learning quality and ensure their readiness for future engagement in society and employment?

This is an essential pedagogical question and should be a central interest of all education. Assessment design and its practices, including feedback, occupies considerable effort and time resources of both students and teachers and poses a high risk for some, however, it all too often is a postscript, an afterthought, in the educational process, becoming something to be done when the learning is over.

The question posed infers that assessment design and the information that the products of students’ assessment performances can have long term value in shaping students’ capabilities for when they graduate. Designed well, it is possible for assessment and feedback processes to capture students’ imagination and engagement, such that they can become self- regulating agents of their own learning for the longer term. However, if this deep engagement is to occur, assessment design must become an integral element of curriculum design and not become a postscript to both the teaching and the learning It also needs to be an organisational shift, not one that is left to the personal inclination of individual teachers. This requires a cultural shift in the way we conceive assessment within the curriculum to one that perceives assessment as and for learning not always assessment of learning, namely, to generate grades.

In this presentation I will draw distinctions between these two competing functions of assessment and focus on the ways to gain greater engagement of students in the educational process through task design and the use of feedback and provide examples of successful ways that such shifts to assessment as and for learning have occurred.
15:10 Q & A
15:20 Keynote II: Signature Feedback Practices: Where are the Opportunities within the Curriculum?

BiographyDr Edd PITT
University of Kent, UK

It’s long established that feedback can be extremely beneficial for students’ learning; however, barriers to its active use by students are consistently reported. Once approach to address this is for educators to design in opportunities for its uptake within their curricula. In this keynote I will specifically draw upon two areas of research that have sought to operationalise a learning focused feedback design to improve student learning.

In the first part of the keynote, I will outline the current feedback research directions which question our collective understanding of what constitutes feedback. I will draw upon examples from around the world which identify how improvements can be made and opportunities seized upon. In the second part of the keynote I will draw upon Quinlan and Pitt’s (2021) recent taxonomy of signature feedback practices. In this taxonomy four main sources of feedback information; knowledge or audiences, disciplinary colleagues, the self and objects are suggested as the building blocks of a disciplines signature feedback practice. I will discuss how the curriculum within a discipline can be leveraged to create opportunities for both educators and peers to offer evaluative feedback (characterised as judgments, criticisms, and suggestions for enhancement) and consequential feedback (information about the effect of the learner’s performance or action). I will give specific examples of how this taxonomy can exist within arts and humanities curricula (Pitt and Carless, 2021) to afford students multiple and sustained opportunities to seek, generate, process and enact both evaluative and consequential feedback.
16:00 Q & A
16:10 Break
16:20 Round Table Discussion: Student Voice in Feedback (formative and summative)


Dr Albert CHAU
Vice-President (Teaching & Learning), Hong Kong Baptist University

Dr Sammy King Fai HUI
Associate Vice President (Student Learning), The Education University of Hong Kong

Ms Clarise Ka Hei HO
BA (Lang Studies) & BEd(EL), Year 3 Undergraduate, The Education University of Hong Kong

Ms Heidi LO
Graduate of BEd (EL), The Education University of Hong Kong

Ms Yoyo Lewei HE
Department of Finance and Decision Sciences, Undergraduate, Hong Kong Baptist University

Ms Kelly Hei Ching TSOI
Department of Sport, Physical Education and Health, Undergraduate, Hong Kong Baptist University
17:10 Housekeeping Announcement

Housekeeping Announcement and Evaluation Survey of Day 1

18 August 2022 (Thursday) - Day 2

HK Time Programme
14:30 Welcome & Greetings

Professor S C KONG
Director, Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology, The Education University of Hong Kong
14:35 Experience Sharing: Assessment with Real-World Relevance

Speakers from EdUHK:

Associate Professor; Associate Head (Research and Postgraduate Studies) of Department of Science and Environmental Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong

Senior Lecturer, Department of Health and Physical Education, The Education University of Hong Kong

Speakers from HKBU:

Dr Archimedes David GUERRA
Lecturer, Department of Finance and Decision Sciences, Hong Kong Baptist University

Ms Assunta NG
Lecturer, Department of Sport, Physical Education and Health, Hong Kong Baptist University

Each sharing will be 15 minutes long. There will be 25 minutes for Q&A and discussion.
16:00 Break
16:10 Workshop (open to HKBU and EdUHK colleagues only):
Signature Feedback Practices: Leveraging time to maximise the impact of classroom based feedback opportunities

BiographyDr Edd PITT
University of Kent, UK

In this active workshop delegates will work through a series of tasks designed to get them to reflect upon and interrogate their own assessment and feedback practice. In particular we will focus upon how we can create opportunities within the ‘contact time’ we have with students to afford assessment and feedback to be seen as part of the fabric and culture of the learning experience. The workshops builds upon the earlier keynote address and seeks to help practitioners identify opportunities in their curricula which might have the potential to afford multiple opportunities for both evaluative and consequential feedback. Crucially the workshop will focus upon harnessing the power of the classroom that delegates are engaged in within their day-to-day practice to mitigate the need for wholescale changes and extra workload. The workshop will also discuss the role of technology and how this can be harness as a complementary resource to improve feedback enactment.
17:10 Closing

Dr Theresa KWONG
Director, Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University

Housekeeping Announcement

Housekeeping Announcement and Evaluation Survey of Day 2

Biography of Keynote Speakers

Emeritus Professor Janice ORRELL
Flinders University, Australia

Emeritus Professor Janice Orrell at Flinders University focusing on Work Integrated Learning (WIL), assessment in higher education. She is a co-author of the book Work Integrated Learning: A Guide to Effective Practice (2010), and the author of the WIL Good Practice Guide (2011). She is an advisory consultant/evaluator for national higher education projects and an Academic Board member in Higher Education institutions. In 2021 she received the USA Cooperative Education and Internship Association (CEIA) James W Wilson award for outstanding contribution to research, and in 2022 she received a HERDSA Leadership Award for her leadership in higher education research and development.


University of Kent, UK

Edd is a Reader in Higher Education and Academic Practice and the Programme Director for the Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education in the centre for the study of higher education at the University of Kent, UK.

Edd has recently been collaborating with Academics in the UK, Ireland and Australia. His principal research field is Assessment and Feedback with a particular focus upon student's use of feedback. His current research agenda explores signature feedback practices and the development of both teacher and student feedback literacy.