Towards a Paradigm Shift to Assessment of the Learning Process and Application of Cross-disciplinary Knowledge

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Symposium: Alternative Assessment in Reality

4 December 2020 | 09:30 a.m. – 10:50 a.m.


The Education University of Hong Kong (The Education University of Hong Kong) and Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) launched a project entitled “Towards A Paradigm Shift for A New Model of Alternative Assessment” in July 2020 to examine the inter-relatedness of summative assessment and formative assessment and explore new possibilities of developing rubrics that document and assess the learning processes with digital technology support. The current COVID-19 pandemic makes this exploration timely and relevant, as Academic/ Teaching staff members continue to juggle with the complications caused by moving away from traditional means of class operations and the inadvertent interruptions in continuity of teaching. While the literature has documented the positive impact of assessment for learning, there is limited shared examples of how theories about could translate into practice, particularly at the course level and with a mix of delivery modes. In this symposium, frontline Academic/ Teaching staff members from both universities will share their joys and pains in re-designing assessment plans for their courses amid special class arrangements during the COVID-19, as well as how they gather new impetus for broader application of alternative assessment in their teaching.

Dr Theresa KWONG

Assistant Director of Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University


Mr Dean C K COX
Department of Journalism, Hong Kong Baptist University


Dr Wai Man Winnie LAM
Department of Mathematics and Information Technology, The Education University of Hong Kong


Dr Kristen Yuanxi LI
Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University


Dr Ting Sum Lydia YEE
Department of Psychology, The Education University of Hong Kong

Q&A Session