What is QuestionPro?
QuestionPro is a web-based survey software available for all HKBU staff and students. It aims to support teaching, administration, and research at HKBU.
How can I use QuestionPro?
QuestionPro requires an HKBU SSOid account to login.
How do I get a QuestionPro account?
Anyone with an HKBU SSOid can create a QuestionPro account. The account will be created after your first login automatically.
What if I have questions about QuestionPro?
Your responses and related data collected by this survey will be used to generate statistics and reports for analysis and research. Please be assured that your personal identity will be kept confidential and the results will not be made available in a form which identifies you.
For security reasons, please logout and close your web browser once you have finished your session.
Send inquiries or comments to chtl@hkbu.edu.hk