In order to let HKBU students remember the 7 GAs, I design a glass with the 7 HKBU GAs picture at the bottom of it. It is made of transparent plastic. This product design can keep reminding HKBU students about the 7GAs effectively, since every time student drink water, they can read the 7 …
Circle is the best shape represents the meaning of complete, full, adaptability or perfection. On the poster, there are several circles have different but correlated meaning. Start from light of central circle (emblem of HKBU) dispersing into 7 Graduate Attributes on gray wheel and lastly integrate into another larger golden circle as a whole. More …
是次作品,我以秘方比喻浸大的全人教育。圖中的七色液體代表浸大全人教育秘方中的成份,而七色成份分別代表著浸大畢業生的七項特質。透過我對浸大全人教育有趣的詮釋,再把這些詮釋轉化為海報,希望可以使同學記著浸大畢業生的七項特質。 In this work, I use “Secret recipe”, as a metaphor, to resemble the Whole Person Education (WPE) of HKBU and use baking mold to represent HKBU’s graduates . I interpret the “7 Graduate Attributes” (7 GAs) as the ingredients of HKBU’s secret recipe for education. With this secret recipe (7GAs), all graduates …
My idea is to use 7 posters to represent the 7 HKBU Graduate Attributes(GA). Each poster includes a quote and some description related to the GA which the poster represents. Pros – Posters are easy to reproduce and distribute – Posters do not require a very large space – Posters can cover a lot …