• Entry #50

    Visualized the 7 GAs to help students remember.

  • Entry #44

    建議書的主要概念是希望透過創造7隻吉祥物,從而把畢業生的特點更形象化地展現出來。 7隻吉祥物代表著香港浸會大學畢業生的七種特質,每隻吉祥物代表一種顏色,即形成彩虹的其中一種顏色。 透過香港浸會大學的教育,畢業生能從中獲得至少一種顏色 (特質或能力),最後,他們將會有一個如彩虹般美好的將來。 香港浸會大學看起來像天上的月亮,她是黑暗中的一盞明燈。一方面,她在黑暗中為人們指引方向,同時她亦照亮了星星。香港浸會大學(月亮)為畢業生(星星)提供養份(光),我希望表達中國 “7星伴月”(意指幸福)的傳統概念,藉此道出畢業生的大學生活是幸福美好的。

  • Entry #33

    The idea of my design is from the tangram. Every patterns mean 7 ideas such as communication, learning, healthy lifestyle & teamwork, it skills, international outlook and knowledge. I used Illustration to express my ideas and also used caricature to make it more funny. Let people easy to understand and pay attention on it.

  • Entry #51

    I made use of the tangram which consists of seven colours to represent the seven graduate attributes. I further made use of the pieces in the tangram to form different letters for the initials of each attribute. I have also designed the logo for the HKBU GAs so that it can be used for later …