How to Send Message to Students via Quickmail
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Click “Turn editing on”
Click “Add a block” which is shown at the bottom of left-hand side menu
Click “Quickmail” to add a new block
After that, you can see there is a new block named “Quickmail ” at the right-hand side of the page
1. Compose Course Message
You can send email messages to your participants in your courseroom including students, teachers and teaching assistants.
You can decide whether to display your e-mail address or hide it from your recipients by selecting “”
You can send email messages to particular students/groups/roles
Or filter by using “Exclude”
You can edit the “Subject” and “Body” of the email message. Quickmail also supports user data field for customizing the message for each students.
User data fields. e.g., first name & last name
You can upload multiple files as attachments within the e-mail. Students can see those attachments which you have uploaded.
You can send out the email message immediately by clicking “Send Message”
2. Save the message as draft and view
You can save your email message as Draft by clicking “Save Draft” when composing course message
After that you can find the message from “View Drafts”.
It can be edited and deleted.
3. Schedule e-mails to send and view
You can schedule time to send out your e-mail by enabling “Sent at”
After that you can find the unsent message from “View Scheduled”.
You can send immediately by clicking “Send Now” or make it to draft by clicking “Unqueue”
4. Set up your own Signatures
Click “My Signatures” in the “Quickmail” block.
You can create your personalised signatures for your e-mail messages.
After that you can select the Signature when composing course message.