Self-help Guide for MOODLE Users
Generate Analytics Graphs
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You can generate the following analytics graphs:
Grades chart
Content accesses
Number of active students
Assignment submissions
Turnitin submissions
Hits distribution
in the course administration page.
According to your needs, you can generate different analytics graphs
You are able to download the chart in different format by clicking the button at the top right of the each chart.(excluding Hits distribution)
Grades chart
This chart displays a list of all assessments in the Moodle course, with the distribution of student’s.
Content accesses
This chart displays the number of access of each activity in Moodle course.
Number of active students
This chart displays the number of students who access the Moodle course in different time slots.
Assignment submissions
This chart displays the status of the student assignment submission
Turnitin submissions
This chart displays the status of the students Turnitin assignments submission
Hits distribution
This chart displays the hit distribution of the Moodle course from each student.
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