Major differences from original Moodle’s Blog
- The OU Blog can restrict access so that others cannot enter without permission.
- The "comment" and "view" functions can be seen course wide, BU wide or worldwide.
- It also provides a grading system.
In the course page, turn "Edit mode" on (Original: Turn editing on).
Click "Add an activity or resource"
Select "OU Blog".
In the settings page, please type the name of the blog, give the description (optional). There are three main options that you can select the type of the blog:
A. Allow comments
- No
- Yes, from signed on BU eLearning users
- Yes, from everybody – anyone can comment, even someone who have not a BU eLearning account, but outsiders’ comments need to be approved by the blog owner before publishing.
B. Individual blogs
- No (blog together or in group): Individual blogs are not used.
- Separate individual blogs: Individual blogs are used privately.
- Visible individual blogs: Individual blogs are used publicly.
C. Maximum visibility
- On a course blog: Visible to all participants in this course.
- Visible to everyone who is logged in to the system.
- Visible to anyone in the world.
After the setup, students/teachers can start using the blog. In the blog, owners can "add/edit/delete" any post while other users can leave comments to the posts. The blog will show the date, author’s name and the reader priority of each message.