Moodle Video Tutorials for Staff & Students
The following categorised videos demonstrate the different basic functions in Moodle for your easy and quick reference. You can add, create any teaching and learning materials, activities in the Moodle to meet your teaching needs.
Usage of Moodle
Usage of SCE Moodle
Managing Courseroom in Moodle
- Moodle Overview
How to manage your course(s) in Moodle
- Changing the layout of a Course
How to change the layout of a course
- Editing a course
How to edit a course
- Enrolling Learners
When you want to add a TA or Colleagues into your course
- Gradebook in a Course
When you want to see students' grades
- Reusing a Course
When you want to reuse a course content created previously
- Importing a Course
When you want to import a course content created previously
- Course Report
Know about how student perform with logs
- Tracking Progress in Moodle
Know about how to track students' progress in Moodle
Creating Different Resources in Moodle
- Uploading Files
Upload file(s) in the Moodle courseroom
- Dragging and Dropping Files
Using drag and drop function to move your file(s) from desktop to the Moodle courseroom
- Adding URL Link
Create a link in Moodle courseroom
- Adding Label (Sound & Video)
Insert text and multimedia into the course page between links to other resources and activities
- Creating a Page
Create a page to display information
Creating Different Activities in Moodle
- Creating an Assignment
Create an assignment box to let students submit their assignment
- Creating a Turnitin Assignment
Create a Turnitin assignment to let students submit their assignment
- Creating a Discussion
Create a forum to let students upload their work and give comment(s) to others
- Creating a Quiz
Create a quiz in the Moodle courseroom
- Creating a Choice
Set up voting option
- Creating a Book
Set up a book which connecting pages in a Course
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